
Brittany Lebeda

Art medium(s): Watercolor

How do you describe your art? Expressive and romantic florals. My favorite flowers to paint are roses. 

Were you always interested in following a creative path? Yes! I’ve been involved in the arts in some capacity my whole life. And out of everything that I’ve tried, watercolor has been my favorite. 

What does your “day-in-the-life” as an artist look like? I wake up early to squeeze in some painting time before my kids wake up. Then I spend most of the morning homeschooling my older kids and once my toddler goes down for a nap I’m painting again! And if I have the energy I paint after they all go to bed. I fit it in wherever I can! 

Where do you get your creative inspiration? In the warmer months we have rose bushes in our backyard that provide wonderful inspiration and in the colder months I’m inspired by the hundreds of photos I took of our rose bushes. 

Why do you love what you do? I love watercolor. Watching the paint flow on the paper is therapeutic.  I also love being a part of a community and connecting with other local artists. I’ve gotten to meet some amazing people! 

One thing most people don’t know about being an artist, in your opinion: There’s a misconception that in order to be an artist you have to have some special talent. But it has much more to do with being willing to practice. I firmly believe that anyone can be an artist.

Early bird or night owl? Early bird.

Dog or cat person? I absolutely love dogs. I’m actually a certified dog trainer! But I have met a few very sweet cats over the years. 

Is the glass half full or half empty? Definitely half full. 

What makes you happiest: My kids, my husband, and painting. I spend my days doing so many things that I love and I feel extremely blessed. 

Find Brittany on Instagram @brittanylebeda_art

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