‘Chef Talk with Kyle Cherek’ – Osorio’s Latin Fusion

Host Kyle Cherek discovers the key to “fusion” at Osorio’s Latin Fusion with Liborio Osorio, head chef and owner.
Host Kyle Cherek discovers the key to “fusion” at Osorio’s Latin Fusion with Liborio Osorio, head chef and owner.
In this episode of “Chef Talk,” host Kyle Cherek talks with Nick Morse, head chef at Rye Restaurant & Lounge in Appleton.
Get the inside dish with host Kyle Cherek as he gives readers a sneak peek on what’s to come in “Chef Talk with Kyle Cherek.” It’s enough to get your mouth watering.
Q. “Sometimes there is a pink ring on smoked foods—what is this? —Pete, Potosi A. Well Pete, this phenomenon is known as a “smoke ring.” A smoke ring is a natural pink discoloration of the meat that is formed just under the surface of the meat. A smoke ring is caused during the smoking process READ MORE
What began as a rewarding and therapeutic opportunity to create art, grew from a seedling of an idea into a business for glass artist Emilie Steinmann. After cultivating her Japanese education in Asian linguistics and literature, Steinmann decided to pursue another passion by enrolling in E-seed, a business start-up program, through the Venture Center at READ MORE