It was along the Wiouwash State Trail that Paul Kordus enjoyed the warm weather the day before a full moon. “I left on my bicycle from Neenah and rode down… to a point on the trail that runs along the shore of Lake Butte Des Morts. It was the nicest ride I did all year… READ MORE
Q. “Do you have experience rolling homemade sushi? I think it would be a fun date night option.” —Angela, Appleton A. While I have rolled sushi, it is not a common activity in my house. However, I can give you a few pointers. First, it is an important suggestion to pick up one or two READ MORE
Art medium(s): Mostly oil paint, but I also work often in charcoal, acrylic and pastels. How do you describe your art? Greatly inspired by nature, and I hope my personal artwork brings the viewer a peaceful feeling. Were you always interested in following a creative path? Yes. I have absolutely loved to draw and paint READ MORE