Jim Ruzicka of Neenah had the specific goal of photographing wildlife when he made his way to the Killsnake State Wildlife Area in Calumet County. “Short-eared owls regularly gather in a specific portion of the preserve in the wintertime,” he says. “Entering the outskirts of the wildlife area there are several parking places for hikers READ MORE
Kimberly Henrickson was with her mom at Wally’s Still in Dale when she craved a Wisconsin favorite. “I (originally) took this picture to send to a friend as an update to my day and location,” she says. “It was a spontaneous photo, but I thought to submit it to you as it feels so Wisconsin READ MORE
Alisa Grieve was intrigued by “amazing fog” the evening she captured this image of Trinity Episcopal Church in Oshkosh last January. “I loved the way the lights looked on the wet pavement,” she says. “Additionally, I love beautiful architecture and I’ve always found this church to be lovely. It looked hauntingly peaceful in the foggy READ MORE
Jim Berg shot the photo he calls “Cathedral” near Jones Park, down the hill from College Avenue. “I was out looking for interesting landscapes (or cityscapes) with my camera and the lines of the chain link fence leading up the hill initially caught my eye,” he says. “Then I loved the way all the lines READ MORE
It was before sunrise on a chilly December morning when Jeff Vaughan found the Appleton City Park tree lit up with “wonderful clouds forming above it in the sky.” “It was breathtaking… such a peaceful sight,” he remembers. “I set up my tripod and captured the moment. Then I just took a few minutes to READ MORE
It was along the Wiouwash State Trail that Paul Kordus enjoyed the warm weather the day before a full moon. “I left on my bicycle from Neenah and rode down… to a point on the trail that runs along the shore of Lake Butte Des Morts. It was the nicest ride I did all year… READ MORE
Angela Zodrow had been exploring the Ceresco Prairie Mountain Bike Trail at Ripon College with her family for nearly an hour before she captured this image. “We’d been walking about 45 minutes when the sunset kissed the prairie and everything began to glow,” she recalls. “The sun made me do it.”
When Kelly Marie Reyer’s sons Chase and Dawson were old enough to sail together, she took this photo in Miller’s Bay on Lake Winnebago to remember the special moment. “I was watching from shore and was excited to see them bonding over their love of sailing,” she recalls. Lake Winnebago is a fantastic lake for READ MORE
Scott Doner had been watching Cedar Waxwings fly from one crabapple tree to another in his backyard in Freedom when he captured this shot. “That morning the light was just right to take some photos of them,” he says.
John Michael Miller says this photo of the 400 block of W College Avenue is likely from the Post Crescent circa 1956. “I have a very large Appleton archive and am especially interested in how College Avenue has changed through the years… I especially like to see Greco-Roman architecture, such as the bank in the READ MORE