Intern Intro: Katie
Say hello to Katie, our newest summer intern!
Name: Katie Nelson
Age: 20
Hometown: Campbellsport, WI
School attending: Lawrence University
Tell us about your background:
I come from a very small, rural area in Wisconsin–the town where I grew up had roughly fifty inhabitants, and my current hometown once held the world record for the Worldʼs Longest Bratwurst (which is quite a Wisconsin-esque record to hold). Right now, though, I am living in Appleton while I attend Lawrence University, where I am studying English and Piano Performance.
Why did you want to be an intern at FCM?
Iʼm very interested in a career in the editing field, so I am looking forward to gaining experience and learning about the inside workings of a publishing company. Iʼm also looking forward to learning more about the Fox Cities area– thereʼs always something new going on!
Your favorite thing about the Fox Cities?
I love the cultural opportunities the Fox Cities affords–going to see the Russian Festival Ballet at the Performing Arts Center, the “Cabaret” event at Lawrence University, and so on–without losing the close-knit environment of a Midwest town.
The last book you read:
I recently read “The Lizard Cage,” a book about a political prisoner in the Burmese struggle for democracy by Karen Connelly. Outside of class, and on a lighter note, I recently read the Harry Potter series.
Last movie you watched:
The last movie Iʼve seen is The Matrix, but Iʼve also been watching a lot of Sherlock with my roommates in preparation for study abroad in London next fall!
Any hidden talents?
I once memorized all of Paul Revereʼs Ride. Iʼm not sure if itʼs all still there, but if you ever see me, feel free to ask for a recitation!
What canʼt you live without?
For better or worse, Iʼm pretty dependent on my phone calender.
Whatʼs the biggest risk you ever took?
The biggest risk I ever took was probably auditioning for the Lawrence Conservatory of Music, over three years ago. It worked out pretty well, though, and in a couple of years Iʼll be getting my Bachelorʼs of Music in Piano Performance!
The best advice youʼve ever received?
An elder at my home church always said that there are two goals in life: To find out what is true, and to live your life according to what you know to be true.
Describe your perfect Saturday:
On a perfect Saturday I would, in no particular order, read the next book on my reading list (Thomas Hardyʼs “Far From the Madding Crowd”), go for a walk by the Fox River, play through some of my favorite piano pieces, go to a theater or music performance, and visit with friends.
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