Full disclosure: Dead Horses bassist Dan Wolff is my brother. There, figured we should get that out of the way up front. Now, one could reasonably assume that this would make for a very biased preview of “My Mother the Moon,” the band’s third album that will release on April 6, and their upcoming album READ MORE
Art of the Book, an exhibition opening March 29 in the Wriston Art Center Gallery at Lawrence University, will highlight the Seeley G. Mudd Library’s growing collection of artist books. Artist books are works of art that use books as the medium. “This exhibition is an opportunity to see unique and exciting examples of artist READ MORE
Update: This post has been edited to reflect the initiative’s new name, the Give Back Bus. A new type of volunteer opportunity is coming to the Fox Cities this spring in the form of the Give Back Bus. For a small donation, the Give Back Bus will transport riders on altruistic adventures around the Fox Cities area. But there’s READ MORE
Assisting more than 1,000 families each month, the Appleton Housing Authority (AHA) ensures that all who live in our community have an affordable, sanitary and safe place to call home. The AHA is currently hosting a T-shirt and sticker decal fundraiser through their non for profit, Neighborhood Housing Inc, in an effort to raise both READ MORE
Music and medicine unite on March 24 at Doctors in Recital, a fundraiser showcasing the musical talents of local medical professionals as they raise money for community programs. The beneficiary of this year’s program is the Fox Valley Memory Project (FVMP), which collaborates with other organizations to offer programs and services that improve the quality READ MORE
The Barlow Planetarium, seated in the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley, will celebrate its 20th anniversary of sharing science with communities in the Fox Valley and beyond on March 20. Director Alan Peche says the planetarium has brought nearly 750,000 people in its doors since it opened in 1998. It’s the largest university planetarium in the READ MORE
Richie Zaborowske, a reference librarian at the Neenah Public Library, yearned for the cerebral rigor of a traditional book club, without all the blasted reading. “I’m in my 30s, and it’s really hard to find something that’s intellectually stimulating, but that I also have time for,” he laments. “Who has time for a book club?” READ MORE
A group of community members (called Sinfoniacs) are learning new instruments to perform as an orchestra on March 10 at 7:30 p.m. at UW Fox Valley in Menasha. Proceeds benefit the Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra and Youth Orchestra. Jay Stephany, manager of talent acquisition at Plexus Corp., fills us in on his Sinfonia journey. Instrument: READ MORE