It may not be surprising that the idea of sustainable living has extended to the Fox Valley, but what might be surprising is that it’s an idea being carried out on a college campus. Sustainable Lawrence University Gardens, or SLUG, is a nonprofit organization entirely run by students whose mission is to promote sustainable agriculture READ MORE
My name is Maggie Ward, and I am currently working as one of the editorial interns at FOX CITIES Magazine. I am a senior at Lawrence University, with majors in English and theater and minors in Spanish and creative writing. I was born in Wausau and lived there my whole life before moving to Appleton. READ MORE
Hello, citizens of the Fox Valley and beyond! I’m currently one of four new interns here at FOX CITIES Magazine. Throughout the years I’ve been given way too many nicknames, but my legal name is Kristina Verhasselt. I graced the world with my presence on Aug. 11, 1995, and I’m not getting any younger. Be READ MORE
My name is Margaret Koss and everyone calls me Marge for short –except for my mother, who refuses. I was born on June 20, the sunniest birthday of the year (it actually is, it’s the summer solstice). I love documenting my world in every form of media possible, which has led me to study English READ MORE
As winter drags on, cabin fever sets in. It’s easy to burrow further into the couch and hit “next” on your Netflix queue, but that certainly won’t beat the winter blues and, let’s be honest, there aren’t enough episodes of even “Friends” to last a Wisconsin winter. Lucky for Northeastern Wisconsin, many nature preserves in READ MORE
It is the evening of the Reveal at the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center and we are EXCITED. We approach The Center and walk the red carpet into the building as the doors open at 5 p.m. Smiling Fox Cities P.A.C. employees donned in black tie greet us as we enter and congregate with other READ MORE
The Appleton North High School theater program is no stranger to excellence, and with this year’s musical “Mary Poppins” opening tonight, North can add another outstanding production to its excellent repertoire. The show, complete with tongue-twisting musical numbers, remarkable dancing and elaborate sets, illustrates what North does best — wowing audiences and the theater community. READ MORE