When I stopped by the Aeroplane Workshop on the EAA grounds on Tuesday, I got much more than I was expecting. Not only did I get a full, one-on-one tour of the airplane restoration shed, but I also met some very kind and very passionate people along the way. I was greeted warmly by John READ MORE
This week at KidVenture, a group of aspiring aviators and their adult mentors traveled more than 1,000 miles to Oshkosh to show off the replica of a B-25J Mitchell bomber cockpit they built. What started as a shell of a treehouse is now a model with realistic controls, sounds and electronics, all installed by the READ MORE
It’s a playground for aspiring aviators this week at KidVenture. Located at the Pioneer Airport across from the AirVenture Museum, KidVenture features interactive activities aimed at kids from ages 8-17. “Our mission is to excite the next generation of young aviation enthusiasts with hands-on activities,” says Dan Majka, Chairman of KidVenture. “We have to excite READ MORE
You’ve probably been on YouTube and seen stunt planes flipping, twisting and corkscrewing at high rates of speed. You’ve probably seen people parachuting down from high in the sky, navigating gracefully to land at a precise location on the ground. But what you may have not seen before is a commercial jet. In this case, READ MORE
If heaven is in the sky, flight lifts man closer to God. EAA AirVenture brings hundreds of thousands of flight enthusiasts together every year, but there is a distinctive group within this gathering brought together by faith as well. Nestled into a serenely wooded spot on the expansive EAA grounds is Fergus Chapel, home to READ MORE
It’s almost AirVenture week in Oshkosh, which means different things for everyone. For local businesses, it is a week of booming revenue. For Oshkosh residents, it is a week of new faces and, let’s be honest, inconveniently congested roadways. But for airplane lovers, it is by far the most anticipated week of the year. Aviation READ MORE