Author: Sarah Spencer

Yardening 101

From front yard gardens to backyard mini meadows, yardening incorporates edibles and expands the traditional garden plot to encompass an entire yard’s landscape. It’s a great option for small, urban lots, but can work for any size yard.    Did You Say Yardening?   Yes, yardening!   “Yardening is the blissful marriage of a yard READ MORE

Kombucha Club: a look at the fermented frenzy

Kombucha is trending in the Valley and throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Not only is it lining the local store beverage aisles, but it’s also appearing on deli and coffee shop menus. The drink has even found its way into our beer and health food markets, and we’re fascinated by the frenzy. WHAT’S KOMBUCHA? Kombucha is a READ MORE

Food Trucks of the Fox Valley

Tucked alongside the parked vehicles lining College Avenue is an inconspicuous white trailer hitched to the back of a truck. The black boldface lettering printed on the trailerʼs side reads simply, “French Crepes.” Donʼt keep walking. Stop here. And if youʼve moseyed on past, itʼs time to backpedal. Inside the trailer, chef Amri Prince is READ MORE