Lunch Break Hustle
Use your noon hour to the fullest at these events
Lunchtime Live! Concerts
August 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
Enjoy acoustic music by local musicians on your lunch hour! Bring your lunch, grab takeout from a downtown restaurant or purchase on-site from local vendors. Some seating is available in the plaza or bring your own chair or blanket.11:30am-1pm. Houdini Plaza, Appleton. 954-9112.
Art at Noon
August 15
Attend a 25-minute lunchtime tour of the exhibitions in the Wriston Art Galleries. The Wriston Summer Exhibition Series is an annual summer exhibition intended to engage the Fox Valley community in a conversation about artworks and artists of the Midwest. 12-12:30pm. Wriston Art Galleries at Lawrence University, Appleton. 832-6942.
Out to Lunch Concert Series
August 1, 8, 15 & 22
Bring or buy a lunch and enjoy a mid-day break. A variety of free entertainment will be featured along with a restaurant vendor of the week. 11:30am-1pm. Shattuck Park, Neenah. 722-1920.
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