New intern surviving Wisconsin winter

Lawrence University sophomore Anh Ta was born and raised in Hanoi, Vietnam. She finds writing to be therapeutic and is currently interning at FOX CITIES Magazine.
Hello! I’m Anh Ta, a sophomore at Lawrence University and a new intern at FOX CITIES Magazine. Born and raised in Hanoi, Vietnam and, for five years, schooled in the sunny island of Singapore, I’m the girl who’s always cold with a bursting closet full of colorful scarves. Brought to Lawrence by a twist of fate (and plenty of nudging from my family friend who’s now a Wisconsinite), I am finally getting used to temperatures below 50, ice hockey and melty cheese curds.
I did not really get into writing and journalism before college. I have always enjoyed reading and writing growing up, but it had never occurred to me that writing is something I could actually pursue, until I started at The Lawrentian as a features writer. Having the flexibility to write about anything under the sun for the features section allows me to explore many topics, from dance performances to racial issues on campus. When I am off-duty at the newspaper, writing is just purely therapeutic.
When I am not writing, you can find me skating (and falling) with my hockey teammates at the Appleton ice rink, entertaining high school students and their parents on campus tours or sipping hot milky tea. I also dabble in karaoke singing and baking cream puffs (or choux à la crème, when I’m feeling fancy). I love traveling and will never miss an opportunity to fake a yoga pose for a photo wherever I go.
I absolutely love dogs (dog is my Chinese zodiac animal) and would dog-sit any day for free just for a few hours of puppy-loving. And no, this is not a dogsitter ad in disguise.
Although there’s no dog present at the office here, I am excited to dig into my new journey at FOX CITIES Magazine. This winter, my goal is to get as many people out of winter hibernation as possible by keeping all readers posted on the exciting happenings in the Fox Valley. I hope you’ll keep reading!
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